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From the title you can see that I am now in typography. One of the most important things to typograhy is themed colors. In Illustrator, this is in the form of color swatches. As you can see to the right, I deleted all the colors except for my swatches that I will use. They are all neutral and natural colors. I will be using these for my first project, making an art nouveau poster.

So I have learned how to do many things from the tutorail videos on how to make a poster through illustrator. The Art Nouveau poster was for me to learn many tools such as hidden characters, creating awesome looking text by using multiple stoke layers, and when to change the case and what to change it to in different situations. After I learned all the basics, I used the project I had made from the tutorials and turned it into what you see below. The multiple stroke layers is what makes the red stroke look like its far away from the text. There is actually a white stroke n between. The red is at 10 pt and the white is at 4 pt. I used the reflect option to flip the nuggets and the swirls. So that I didn't fill in the box where the "true story" text is, you have to hit "A" to access the direct selection tool. Then you can apply the color. The bar at the bottom is there because I had to snip it because illustrator crashed.

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