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Slicing fingers

This pencil drawing picture was made using two layers of the original picture. The top layer is black and white, blended with color dodge, and inverted. The pencil effect was created by putting a Gaussian blur on the top layer. Then I used levels adjustment layer to make it look more pencily.

I made this burst text effect through a tutorial. It uses bevel and emboss layers and the blending option was linear dodge (add). The actual burst effect was created by using the radial blur option with the method as zoom at an amount of 100.

So I hope you don't get to creeped out by this knife thing. I had fun making it because it was like 95% using the pen tool. I haven't ever really used the pen tool but I've wanted to so that I could enhance my skills. I learned about pick-up paths and anchor points. All of this I learned by trial and error. I realize that this picture doesn't look too realistic but it was more of a learning process.

This triangle design was another clipping mask but this time on triangles. This one was a little more fun because I got to use the triangles to make a creative design.

This one is actually a picture of me. I have done this galaxy clipping mask but i wanted to do one of me. 

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