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Today I worked on making my color swatches on Kuler. On the top is my "Christmas Theme", and on the bottom is my "Halloween Theme".

The next project I worked on was altering a graphic. The assignment was to make the graphic look more appealling to a customer and to make them more hungry. I outlined the "Parmigianos" title in a yellow-orange. My reasoning behind this was that orange makes you hungry so it was probably a good idea to use it.

This one one of my first projects in photoshop. I learned a few things about how to use the crop tool. A good rule from the beginning is to uncheck the "delete pixels after crop" square. That way if I want to crop the picture again, I can. My finished picture is on the right.

The next picture I worked on is below the one to the right. I started off by cropping, then improving the light and color. I used an impressive tool to remove power lines and other unwanted content from the picture. Then I added creative effects.

So I have officially made my own project in Photoshop. I used multiple layers for every aspect of the picture. I masked out some clouds so the text would not have to be white on white. As you can see, there is two layers of text, as well as many layers of effects such as hue and saturation boost, and contrast balance. The two arrows are called vector graphics. They took me some time because when I wanted to rotate one, it would rotate the whole picture. Then through searching on the internet, I found that when I wanted to just rotate the one layer, I had to go to Edit > Transform > Rotate. That gave me the rotate tool I was looking for. Here is my finished picture.

Fixing flaws in a picture is made very simple in photoshop. Using the spot healing brush can change a picture from an ugly reality to a fresh photo. On the right, you can see that I removed the acne from the girl's face.

I really enjoyed my experience on Kuler. It was very easy to use and extremely customizable. I also liked how it gives you default options like "Complementary" and "Triad".



One of my interests in Adobe Photoshop is to know how to use text as my form of art. For example, 3D text, using layers to create interesting patterns, etc. So I started off by getting a basic tutorial on how to add text to images, and how to make it match the color scheme. My project is below.

I furthered my endeavor to make art with text. I watched a tutorial on how to use layers in photoshop. With layers, it was very easy to make the image of the Grand Canyon below. My favorite part of this project is how well the white text contrasts on the black box. For whatever reason, I decided to figure out how to make that black box on my own instead of watching the tutorial. That took a while.

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