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I wanted to do more of a loose art project. So I did another clipping mask painting but this time with some splatter. I used the brushes from the shoe splatter and some splatter brushes from other projects. i like ow it almost looks like she is looking at you through flames.

I really have no idea. I just got bored and decided to make an "as I see it" concept for america. 

These are the three original Pokémon starters. I saw something similar to this but kinda poorly done so it inspired me to make this. Each Pokémon has four layers. The Pokémon with the white taken out, one with the white, and the background for both. I had to take the white out so you could see the edges of each Pokémon clearly. The eeveelutions are made the same way.

So this picture is called a 'Double Exposure Effect'. Its made by putting the mountain as a clipping mask over top of the face and masking off everything except the eyes nose and mouth. Then I duplicate the face and change the blending mode to multiply. There are many opacity changes. Finally I put the mountain in the background and blurred it, then I erased it around the face. 

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