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restoring an

old photo

This "Art" design was really fun to make. The original art text has a drop shadow and a stroke layer. The brush layer has just the drop shadow. Both layers have a clipping mask of the picture of Cara Delevingne. The last step was to put that same picture in the background with a Gaussian blur. Then I put a transparent gradient layer. Its just subtle enough to still have an affect 

This picture was created by making a rectangle with a thick stroke and then replacing the black stroke with a picture. The picture that was used for the clipping mask was the same as the background picture just resized and readjusted. I got this idea from the thumbnail on a tutorial video. 

This is a very old picture that a friend gave me for restoration in Photoshop. I've never restored an old photo so this is a learning experience. So far I have removed all the creases.

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